RFP Documents

Platte River Power Authority - HQ23-1861 - 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solar Energy and Renewable Attributes

Platte River RFP Schedule 



RFP Issued 

August 28, 2023 

Notice of Intent to Provide Proposal Deadline (5:00 PM MPT) 

August 31, 2023 

Final Date for RFP Question Submittal 

September 14, 2023 

Responses to RFP Questions 

On or about October 2, 2023 

Proposal Submission Deadline (5:00 PM MPT) 

October 9, 2023 

Notification of Results 

On or about November 1, 2023 

Initial Draft of Passthrough Agreement (Subject to Negotiation) 

On or about December 1, 2023 

Questions and Responses

Responses to all relevant questions submitted will be provided below.
Click Here to Ask a Question!

Relevant questions and responses related to the Platte River 2023 RFP for Solar Energy and Renewable Attributes will be posted on this page. 

Yes, as long as they are relevant to the RFP.

Responses to questions will be provided as soon as practical. Response times will vary depending upon the complexity of the question.

That is correct. Platte River seeks bids from parties interested in purchasing up to a 33.3% share (Output Share) of solar energy and renewable attributes associated with the electric generation capability of the 150 MW nameplate Black Hollow Sun (BHS) Solar project (including bundled environmental attributes) that is currently under contract to Platte River. The BHS Solar project has an expected commercial operation date (COD) of late 2024.

Platte River, as an SPP WEIS Market Participant, will be the Asset Owner and register the entire BHS Solar project as a dispatchable variable energy resource (DVER) for participation in the WEIS market. For further details, please also review the answers to questions 6 and 7 below.

As long as Platte River participates in SPP WEIS, Platte River will receive and follow SPP WEIS dispatch instructions for the BHS Solar DVER. Platte River will enter a bilateral schedule with purchaser for its Output Share of the project. The purchaser must pay Platte River the contract price for its Output Share of project’s actual output, and therefore will not be exposed to SPP WEIS settlement pricing (locational marginal prices). But if the SPP WEIS market operator instructs Platte River to curtail some or all of the output of the BHS Solar DVER, as total project output decreases, the output delivered to the purchaser will decrease proportionately. Under the power purchase agreement between Platte River and BHS Solar, Platte River must reimburse BHS Solar for economic curtailments by paying full price for any energy that would have been delivered but for the curtailment. Platte River will pass through this obligation to the purchaser, so that purchaser will pay the agreed-upon contract price to Platte River to cover the purchaser’s Output Share of lost production. Neither Platte River nor the purchaser will be responsible for lost production payments due to reliability curtailments.

Should Platte River transition from SPP WEIS to the SPP Western Regional Transmission Organization during the term of the agreement between Platte River and the purchaser, scheduling and settlement arrangements may need to evolve.

As noted in the answers to questions 5 and 6 above, Platte River will be the registered Market Participant and Asset Owner for the entire BHS Solar project. The purchaser will not offer its Output Share into the WEIS market, but rather will receive the energy through a bilateral schedule with Platte River. The purchaser will therefore have no need to submit Mitigated Offer information; instead, Platte River will provide all Mitigated Offer support for the BHS Solar DVER.  

This information is currently not available as this resource is not expected to begin commercial operations until late 2024.

Platte River will make real-time performance data from the BHS Solar project available to the purchaser through inter-control center communications protocols. Real-time is defined by the Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards.